It tried to get a copy last week, it's out next week (discounted apparently) but my partner brought a copy back from Toronto Airport (or was it Vancouver)- hurrah!

I haven't been able to post anything for the last couple of days as I've had my head buried in the book (makes up for doing the washing). I'm glad I've got a Canadian copy - it's full of words like "traveling" so its very apt. I expect the UK edition is delayed as its taken so long to correct all the spelling mistakes :) As Bill Bryson was born in America but worked mainly in the UK, intially as a copy editor, I wonder which language he uses for his first draft?

I don't want to make this too much of an advert but I hacen' been able to put the book down. I found his discussion of the differences between cricket and baseball rather familiar - do you think he subscribes to this newsgroup?

If you are there Bill - own up!