We need another rabble rouser now that Capital Kiwi is going to be travelling! Stay with us!

I apologise, (a) for rabble-rousing [who, moi? -e]. I shall now take off my black shirt, highly polished Sam Browne, jackboots and swastika, shave off that ridiculous leedle toothbrush moustache thingy and comb my cowlick back into its accustomed place. And (b) for thinking that going to the US of A was not going to (1) cut me entirely off from electricity and phone services and (2) see me temporarily resident on a completely different planet.

Although come to think of it, for most of us outside the New World the US of A does rather resemble Planet Reebok ...

Wow, when I come to see you I suggest you have the NH National Guard (all 3 of them?) ready to repel invaders. They should look out for a dusty Chevvy Metro ... the Helen Clark for President sign on the roof is meant to be a joke. Although I understand there's little room for levity in American politics. I do read P.J. O'Rourke, you know! And, dare I mention it, Hunter S Thompson.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...