As I understand it, this issue has actually been fairly hot at Harvard for longer than the article claims. I also know that various unions are involved in this fight, but, thanks to the very slanted rules laid out in the National Labor Relations Act in the US, which strongly favors employers over employees, that's no guarantee of things working out in the janitors' favor.

It is true that this is an issue that goes beyond Harvard, and beyond elite universities, and beyond the educational sector. But each battle won means something. If the janitors at Harvard are fairly paid, then Princeton will have a harder time saying they shouldn't have to pay theirs fairly, and if the janitors at all universities end up fairly paid, then other institutions, academic or commercial, will have a harder time saying theirs shouldn't be...

Finally - I agree that it's pretty surprising Harvard would bungle the response on this one so badly, given that they've been in the fight for a few years and must have learned a thing or two...

Happy Labor Day, all. Wordies of the world, unite!