Ponder won the Kentucky Derby in 1949. (Just tossing in a miscellaneous tidbit, humming the tune of Shady Grove.)
I think some places are Walks.
Louisville doubles up on two numbered trafficways, just to be sure, maybe: we have Third Street Road and Seventh Street Road. Both of these are more-or-less continuations of 3rd. St. and 7th. St. respectively, once they cross out of the city limits.

One of the greatest on-the-spot puns I've ever heard relates to a motorway. Some of us in my high school orchestra were helping a high school across town with their
production of 'The King and I', and we car-pooled. My house was closest to the expressway, so I was the last one
picked up. As I squeezed into the back seat, I asked, "Are
we taking the X-way?" My goofy friend said, "No, let's take the Y-way." Somebody else had to chime in with, "Why not the Z-way?" At this point, the driver quite understandably said, "Why don't you all go A-WAY?"