Dear Youtian,

I have followed the trail of posts caused by your brave and thought-provoking question and would like to add my ideas to the conversation.

Your observations about initials is accurate and many people in an organisation will be referred to as A.B. or D.G. or as you point out W.C.
Initials are sometimes used to create an unusual and therefore memorable name, such as B.B. King.
I must say that some of the ideas so far need to be read out loud to a particular audience to check for unfortunate connotations or resonances. The abbreviated form of Eugene, while suggested for all the best reasons, will result in an anglicised name of Gene King, which will have many people of my generation immediately thinking of Billie Jean King, a prominent female tennis player.
The fashion for middle initials has long been established in America: John F Kennedy, Michael J Fox, George W Bush.
This suggests a very simplistic idea of a word play to convey the original meaning of your name: Will B King.
(i.e. one day this man 'will be King')

The internet gives us the ability to create many identities for ourselves. Maybe you should login to lots of different forums or chatrooms with each of your different possible names to see how people treat you differently.