English names in general, tend to be words or phrases from other languages.. You have a wonder name -- your parents expressed fond hopes-- a "someday King"-- but if you are sure you want to have a more conventional "English name" I would second "Eugene/Eugenia" which is from the Greek-- eu is part of the root word for "good or pleasant' and is found in many English words and gene/ia is also from the Greek-- and refers to being born-- So Eugene is "well born"-- which in English, is an idiom for "nobles and royals"-- and that is "sounds" similar to your Chinese name is a bonus!

But its your name-- you should think about what you want to express... and see if you can find a name that works to create a meaning you like.

Linda is a common enough name in English-- it come from the Spanish --"pretty"
Millicent was for a while a common name among Chinese Americans in NY– Parents thought it sound like "a millions cents" or thousands of dollars!
Or Maximilian if you are male.
You might like Amos as a contraction of A(l)mos(t) -- if not a Someday King, and Almost King! Or Alma if you are female.