Did i screw up the math?? 171??

[feeling tremendously inferior e]

anyone know what mensa's requiring these days?

if anyone has exactly 13 minutes (or less) to spare, there's a non-tedious IQ test at http://www.iqtest.com/iqtestfinalinstructions.html

they email your score immediately to you, and offer the following scale:

Average: 85 - 115
Above average: 116 - 125
Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135
Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145
Genius: 146 - 165
High genius: 166 - 180
Highest genius: 181 - 200
Beyond being measurable genius: Over 200

not sure about its accuracy. just for kicks i tried lying at the end and saying i finished the test in 2 minutes, but i still couldn't get it over 170.