I think they recognize that, aside from the lovely Ms. of troy and a handful of other folks deficient in the evolutionary traits which allow an appreciation (nay, a madness) for chocolate

i believe what Hyla meant to say was that only a select handful of us have evolved beyond the primal craving for chocolate.

nobody really eats peeps - they're just for decoration in an easter basket.

i beg to differ ~ peeps rock. yum, yum. the wonderful thing about peeps, too, is that even though they get all hard when they're stale, if you wait long enough they get mooshy again. ditto for lucky charms.

in case anyone feels the urge to know the preferred method for enjoying a peep, i found this gem:

Q: What's the correct way to eat a Peep? My husband insists it's bite the head off, then the butt, then stuff the middle in your mouth.

A: There's not really a correct way, but there is a preferred way. According 1998 surveys by MSI International and International Communications Research (ICR), 60 percent of consumers eat Peeps head first. And if that's not grizzly enough, 40 percent stretch the neck out before the fatal chomp. No statistics on butt and belly biting, but 10 percent admit, actually admit, they stuff more than one whole Peep in their mouth at once.