Re: Whitman'o's insisting, listing takes on water
No! A ship will list if her ballast shifts and still keep all her scuppernongs dry if unlikely. But look, we're pushing a dead bull up a hill with a rope and a blue ball, or is that what ~presidents are not elected to do?

On a lighter note (?), tonight is one of those nights you'd drown in here in summer--not yet pea soup, but a fine, rolling mist, which brings me to brass tacks. Is "pea soup" a nautical turn--I learned it on a gaf rigger off the Massachusetts shore and also to call "suds" the Balatine Ale that might as well have been. Nonce nauticals, or nauticals in blood and salt? We were still well south of rough water and the Reef of Norman's Woe. If I'd a story to tell surpassing one line, I'd draw a yarn of it like pulling taffy and keep it to myself so all them could wonder that wouldn't.