BY what I would like you to explain to me is exactly how a song that says “I’m gonna kill the b**ch, I’m gonna f**k my mother” in any way promotes the opposite. If they said any sentence to the effect that this type of hatred was incorrect then I would side with you on this one BUT they don’t. Spewing hatred in songs is not a way of eradicating it.

If a person puts up a poster crying out ‘all Germans are racists and should be eliminated’ would you stand up and say that that person is advocating humanity and harmony. No.

If the same person holds up the same poster, reads it to the crowd, then proceeds to explain why it is wrong, THAT would be a completely different scenario.

Same poster – different motives and results.

In “hate rap” like Eminem, he puts up the poster and runs away. The excuse that he lets people decide that it is wrong is rubbish. Publicity is all he is after, NOT tolerance, NOT harmony and certainly NOT humanity. If his songs incite hatred, so be it, he has made his money. For you to think otherwise I think is rather naïve.

There are several rap bands that are trying to show that rap is NOT hate music by refusing to go the easy route. Their songs are well thought out. They speak about the human condition, without advocating racism, misogyny, chauvinism, hatred or intolerance.