Max, if you think that M&M is misogynic and hateful, then he achieved exactly what he wanted (that's right publicity), the Lady Chatterley's Lover effect.

I am well aware that much of his material is designed to shock in order to generate publicity. However, that was not the point of my post, any more than he was its focus. While I don't like the message, I have no particular feelings concerning the messenger. As for your rather presumtptuous statement See, you're already cringing, you are completely in error, having taken it upon yourself to tell me what I am thinking. I do not "cringe" at Mathers' message, I simply choose not to listen. The possibility that he practices what he preaches, as suggested by the assault charges, simply strengthens my conviction that the philosophy espoused in his work is not one I agree with, and so I choose to ignore it. I bear him no ill-will, nor do I think that I am a lesser person for choosing not to listen to his work, or that of others whose work espouses similar views.