i love chamber music more than any other, but i'll listen to anything. it totally depends on the scenario; when i'm by myself at home it's usually classical (Mozart and Bach are my favorites, but i think Faure's Pavane is arguably the most beautiful piece ever written; with my husband it's usually classics like the Doors, Joni Mitchell, CSN(&Y), Doobies, Eagles and especially Steely Dan; driving on the freeway with the top down on a hot day it's inevitably either kid rock or Ministry of Sound, but during the cold months for some reason i love stuff like Matchbox 20, Vertical Horizon, Lara Fabian, U2(their cover of Unchained Melody is breathtaking), or even some of the old power ballads from Great White, etc.

recently (thanks kev!) i discovered Allan Holdsworth, who is wonderful, but i've always loved Benoit, Honk, Satriani and others of that ilk.

the only stuff that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth is some of these girl rap bands that have appeared out of nowhere (and will hopefully retreat quickly), the syrupy-sweet 'boy bands' such as BSB and 'n sync, twangy country stuff, and the show tunes that my husband insists on playing every Sunday morning (blech).