belligerentyouth makes a great point about how good, thoughtful rap is so much different from the more popular stuff. I'd have to add De La Soul, KRS-ONE, Outkast and (some) Tupac Shakur to your list, b-y. Lately I have been introduced to Moby, who's musical creations are almost impossible to pigeon-hole into a category, but appeal to a wide range of musical tastes.

As far as "classical" music goes, I took a "music appreciation" class in college that really opened me up to the depth and intricacy of the great composers, from Beethoven to Stravinsky, but I feel like to really understand and get the utmost out of classical music I would need to study it more. That said, I do enjoy Copeland, Gershwin and Joplin when I'm in the mood.

I'd also like to put in a plug for a fabulous folk singer whom I have been a fan of for some time now: Catie Curtis writes and performs some of the most thoughtful, emotional, and catchy folk I have ever heard. If she comes through your area, check her out.

I also listen to some "pop" and "hard rock", but I'll save myself the embarrasment of listing band names.

It has been so interesting to hear what my fellow ayleurs are listening to!

Yes, I'm a Dad, and yes, I listen to rap,
