The father of my son forced me for years to listen music, high volume, even during lunches and dinners... and this was
making the life so difficult - even "please the salt" had to be cried.
So in some sense I hate music

Although I have never had anyone father a child with me (my plumbing's not set up that way,) I can sympathize with you, Emmanuella. The people at work insist on playing screaming teen-ager type rock (compressed dirt), thereby metamorphically transforming my normally sedimentary self into an igneous raving maniac! However, that has not reduced my delight in Baroque and Russian Romantic music, which are my favorites. We here in Portland, Oregon, are furtunate to have an excellent Baroque period orchestra, so my thirst for such music can be easily slaked.

As for the rest, well, AnnaStrophic, I think you've got a pretty good list, Mahler excepted!