Ah, Rodward, you have touched upon a pet theory of mine.

The theory of vowel migration

which is that, in the past, the people of Eastern Europe and the people of Hawaii were one. However, a great dispute arose between two large groups of the people, and in order to avoid massive war, the two groups agreed to go their separate ways. In doing so, they allocated the parent group's resources between them, and when it came to the language, the Eastern Europeans took all the consonants, while the Hawaiians took all the vowels.

Now, the Welch were apparently all mixed up in this too, but didn't go with either group, and ended up confusing their consonants and their vowels.

And the Chinese and Japanese didn't get either, and had to settle for pictures.

The end.

[raising-shield-to-ward-off-rotten-tomatoes-and-other-feedback emoticon]