A friend of mine in Spain originally comes from a small village in the north called La Hija de Dios (God's Daughter), which I think is rather a beautiful name for a village... Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about why it is called like that...

I was looking over Bridget96's bio this morning and think I am safe in saying Hija de Dios derives its name from Bridget having once been seen there; but, since she *is* a goddess, it would be unseemly to speculate in what century this may have been. ...

Something else just occurred* to me. If our goddess has a bio, surely the verb form of "to live" applies** to the Divine. This would suggest an answer to harrysiegel's query under "lives" in "Q&As about words." I will have to amend my early opinion and say "God enters our hearts and lives" means "God enters our hearts and dwells there." To forestall any peanut gallery mumblings, this is no plug for religion, but a stopper (meant ludely, not lewdly): A new Divine rises on our shorter time horizon; Her number is 96.

*"To occur to" is an interesting expression, think?

**Can a thing be said to apply *to* God, or can it only be said to be an attribute *of* God? And if a thing *can* be said to apply to God, a a verb be such a *thing*? (PGMs, again, are out of place)