MEANING: adjective:
1. Flashing like lightning.
2. Brilliant.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin fulgurate (to flash), from fulgor (brightness), from fulgere (to shine). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bhel- (to shine or burn), which also gave us blaze, blank, blond, bleach, blanket, flame, refulgent , fulminate, and effulgent. Earliest documented use: 1611.

FULGRANT - a generous scholarship from the US government to fund "educational exchange" for US citizens to study abroad, and foreign students to do research here, at many levels of post-graduate study; it was begun after World War II after being proposed by Senator J. William Fulbright.

FULGURANTE - what you need to join a red-hot poker game

FUGURANT - capable of being developed into a many-voiced musical composition; Johann Sebastian Bach was a master of this type of composition