I am sorry if some of you will be disappointed when you see this new thread, especially the veterans, the addicts, the journeyman, the poohbahs(sp), etc. but being a stranger I have just been mostly sitting on the fence and observing what the old hands have been up to, kind of feeling my way around, absorbing the ambiance, every once in a while getting off the fence and joining in with a word or two.
Now I would like to start a thread mainly but never excluding anybody, for strangers and newcomers to post some of the gems we encountered while sorting through some threads. We know discretionary time is at a premium, we can't all be reading all the postings all the time.
Here are the gems I found today:
1. Ayleur (if you were about ready to sulk because "darn it! they are all talking about Ayleurs for hours it seems, and I do not have the foggiest...) can be found in the thread titled I need your input under the subheading titled about posting started bywow
2. On the same thread, you will find a lot of humor and brilliant repartees between the big guns of AWADTALK.
3. There is also a thread on the basics of AWADTALK, the mechanics part of it. Unfortunately, it is off the screen now but can be reached if you go through a thread titled "Looking for a Lost Thread" (don't worry it is a short thread) and in it are contributions from Sparteye and wwh that may just be the answer to your questions.
4. Laughter has been called the best medicine, try running your posts through this board's spell check. I guarantee you a laugh or two. Hint: Ayleurs is not an azalea.
5. Do you know that after you have posted a new thread and found when you view it that something is terribly wrong with it, you can delete or edit it by clicking on the button "reply to post".
A note to the old hands: Please feel free to grace us with your wisdom.
To my co-strangers: Please encourage all of us by posting your own gems.
To the webmaster: Please cut thread if you think not necessary.
