
My knowledge of the Basque country is very limited, I live in the opposite point of Spain, but I can tell you that their language -Euskera- is really unique. Is a very old language and I’ve heard that nobody knows for true its origins. It’s so different from Latin or Germanic languages that, I think, there are not false friends.
Although they have had to coin quite a few new words for modern things like TV radios etc. And those words share some roots with other languages, I think they are preserving the purity of their traditions and language quite strongly, they are very proud of their heritage. Spanish must have imported some Basque words but I can remember only a few ones. And all about cooking, their gastronomy is unique too!.
I’ve found on the net a paragraph in Euskera and English. We may have aroused someone’s curiosity and they would like to see an example.

“Eroski Taldearen enpresa-nortasuna ondorengoek osatzen dute: kalitatezko produktuak eta prezio oneko zerbitzuak eskaintzeak, langileek jabetzan, emaitzetan eta gestioan parte hartzeak, kontsumitzaileen interesak eta ingurugiroa bultzatzeak, eta lan egiten duen gizartearen partaide izateak. “
“The Eroski Group's principal objectives as an organisation are: to provide quality products and services at competitive prices, to incorporate workers into company ownership, to obtain results and improve management, to promote consumer and environmental issues and to play an integral role in the society in which it operates. “

Juan Maria.