>Fortunately, none of them visit our board.

oh? there are two senses for the word virago. (YCLIU)

here are some 'women' from the wwftd files:

beldam - an old woman, esp an ugly one: hag
cuckquean - a woman whose husband is unfaithful
doxy - a woman of loose morals: prostitute; mistress
fustilugs - a ponderous clumsy person, esp. a fat and slovenly woman
gammerstang - a tall, awkward person, usu. a woman
harridan - an ill-tempered scolding woman: shrew
hoyden - woman of saucy, boisterous or carefree behavior
inamorata - a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations
maenad - a woman participant in orgiastic Dionysian rites
malkin - [Brit] 1) an untidy woman: slattern; 2) cat; hare
parvenue - a woman who is a parvenu
rudas - [Scot] a hideous, vile and loathsome old woman
sylph - a slender graceful woman or girl
termagant - shrew; hard, overbearing woman
viraginity - masculine characteristics in a woman (leading to...)
virago - a woman of great stature, strength and courage; a loud overbearing woman
Xanthippe - [Socrate's scolding wife] any nagging, peevish or irritable woman

and, just for fun, here is a very useless(?) word from the collection:
tragolimia - in a man, an overwhelming and indiscriminate urge to have sex with any woman, regardless of her looks or age