Has anyone else noticed that each language has it's own musicality? Rhythm if you will?
Atomica defines what I mean very well : The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech.
Lyricists take language into account and I have noticed that the words are placed so the notes make it easier to sing them, especially "open" words on high or difficult notes.

For example "Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz" by Franz Lehar, words by Ludwig Herzer and Fritz Lohner. That title phrase is MUCH easier to sing in German than it is in the English translation : "Yours Is My Heart Alone."
(English translation of lyric by Harry B. Smith who got the sense of the lyric but made it harder to sing!)
There are others, but that one leaps to mind as a real jaw breaker since I sang it in German then reprised it in English for the sake of the audience!
Any singers among us who perhaps have had similar problems with American or English lyrics translated into another language?

Let's see if I can do this without notes.
Key 2 sharps. Tempo C
D- halfnote+dot)----Dein
C D (8ths)----------Ist
C B (8ths)----------Mein Ganzes
A (quarter + 8th).-Hertz

Standard EGBDF lines and FACE spaces.