Oh, my gosh... i just realized i typed your birthday wrong on the calendar, david... so sorry!!

Happy belated birthday (it was April 18th!!!)

It's a big one too, isn't it? One day when you're old like me you'll probably make silly mistakes, too

*hug* hope it's a terrific one.


okay... this is really pathetic... 1) i thought today was the 19th. in fact, i actually thought today was *thursday*, the 19th (2) i thought i must've written it wrong on the calendar i'd posted, because i simply couldn't fathom jackie being a day late (3) i didn't bother to check before i posted (4) the really, really silly thing is that i just checked the calendar a few days ago and made a mental note to post a birthday wish at the appropriate time (5) since by friday i'll likely think it's saturday the 21st, i'll just wish you happy belated birthday now, BobYoungbalt, and save a keystroke or two.
