What is the brand name of the unction that conveys salving grace?

"Love"--I felt that it fit the intent of both words nicely.

Helen, I...hardly know what to say. Thank you, at least.
As to "translating" (transmitting, I think) my tone of voice, I guess I've just assimilated techniques I've seen.
Re: relating to people, part of it comes naturally--I hate conflict, and have always tended to want to mediate/mitigate
high-stress situations. The other part is indeed learned,
and honed, of course. I was amazed, after I became a Social Work major, to find out that there are actually ways
of learning how to talk to people.

Now maverick, dag nab it--today you have shown me so much sweetness that I can't fuss at you for that 'mouthy' pun!