Has the majority been convinced? jews, christians, and muslims-- but there are still hindu's, and do budists count? many budist see it as a philosophy, and not a religion. And for many japanese, the see no conflict with being christian and still worshiping at Shinto shrines...

and one of the things that drove me from the roman catholic church was the dogma that it is the true religon-- and every thing else is sub standard. I believe in one god, but i think believe in god or gods is okay--and while the word pagan is still in my vocabulary, i try to re-think and not presume that monotheism is univeral or even superior.

After all, i am created in god's image-- so how can you be sure i am not a god-- am i not the image of one? and if i can be a god-- well that open up a lot of possiblities.