I have recently started internet dating, and it is very different from conventional courtship. There's low risk/investment in communication, and it is advantageous to communicate with as many as possible... so I need a term for such casual suitors (aspirants? optimists?), or perhaps a collective noun for an inbox full of them. I'm not afraid of neologisms (Shakespeare could do it... though I confess I haven't found a suitable option yet), but wonder if there are any existing words that might serve. It is also worth noting that the online dynamics of the genders are *very* different as well, so any terms should be gender-specific.

(It rather annoyed me that, last time I investigated, there were several collective nouns for groups of women--coven, harem, galaxy--but the only one I found for men was "band"... which really isn't very evocative or specific at all.)

Weird phenomena need some weird words to describe them!

Any and all suggestions on the topic are welcome!