Bill, you said: let's see some proposals.
Will you marry me?

Great idea, Anna! You know what we could do?? Ooh! I just thought of this, so I'm just throwing out the first thing that pops into mind--may want some refining later.
I was thinking first that maybe we could all send Anu thank-you cards or messages, but that might overload the guy's
e-mail even more than it already is. And so then I thought, wouldn't it be nice if we could all make one post, or message, to send to him? And then it occurred to me--surely we can! What if somebody, maybe you, my friend, makes a post telling him thanks, why you like it or whatever. Then, the next person copies yours entirely
on to a new one
, then adds their own comments and posts that? Then the third one would copy that entire post
on to a new one, and add their comments, making the third paragraph. And so on, clear up to what? March 14th?

We should each sign our name, for clarification, and I think if a line of dashes or equal signs were placed after every one, that would help with visual ease of reading.

It is my opinion that duplications of sentiments will be
quite acceptable. I also foresee a potential problem of two people adding on at the same time--bridget96 posted
fourteen hundredths of a second before me the other day!
I guess, maybe, whose-ever post came out on the bottom could
take the responsibility for doing the editing to make them
all on one post again.

What do you-all think?