Along the same line it distubs me that TV Execs are quick to take credit for exposing wrong doings and for the impact of programs they broadcast which bring social change for the good ... and at the same time refute the impact of violence on impressionable people of all ages.

Wow, wow , that's a great point that I'd never thought of. They only admit TV's influence if someone is attributing something good to it, then they're all "Yes, it can be a powerful force in our lives," but if something bad is attributed to it, it's "TV doesn't influence anyone on a deeper level; everyone knows it's just for fun!"

As for good TV, my husband has, much to my chagrin, gotten me hooked on Star Trek: Voyager. I'd always resisted Star Trek because I felt I was geeky enough without adding this stereotypical geeky habit to my already long list of geeky habits. But there are all sorts of great lessons in their shows, even if they are occasionally a bit contrived. Plus, Captain Janeway reminds me of my mom - wise, assertive, but willing to see another side of the story, and she changes her mind if she finds she was originally wrong about something.