Don't attack Buffy! Well, not the earlier series anyway. It's the most pointless, mindless and ultimate useless show on television, but it has Sarah Michelle Geller (?sp) in it, and I can watch it without thinking and enjoy it. Here it's typically on after 10 p.m., so the little kiddies have to record it. Ma femme rather fancies the guy who plays the Watcher. So it has something for everyone!

I think it's Gellar. We watch Buffy and Angel, all the time. Mostly I don't mind the violence but last week, Angel was getting pretty beat up, and of course because he's a vampire he doesn't just die when appropriate. I actually turned my head away from the TV during that scene and asked my husband to tell me when it was over. All the while I was thinking - now THIS is a show that's not for kids - they would watch this fight scene and think you could beat someone with a sledgehammer and run him over with a car and he'd still be well enough to fight back. That sort of disturbed me. Here, it's on at 8:30 pm, which isn't really late enough to keep small, unsupervised children away from it...