I've been amazed ever since I realized that "fuck" is mostly used as an insult, and how incredibly misogynistic that is. (I mean, really, I've always thought it's a lot of fun.)

It seems that the puritanical society of the USA finds Anglo-Saxon words to be indecent, and the expression of passions and bodily functions using those words to be coarse. Yet, as you say,BP, there is something delicious in hearing a partner say, "Fuck me!" when already aroused that "Shall we copulate?" doesn't quite convey!

As for the mysogyny of the term, I've taken to saying to other men who say, "Fuck you" to me, "Thanks, but I prefer women!" One of these days, that's gonna get me killed!

I agree with WWH that overuse dimishes the passion of the words we use. We can only scratch an itch so much before the scratching becomes the irritant, not the itch.