Thanks for this conversation. In fact in makes me realize that for native language we did not have grammar lessons as such. All we had was something called 'sentence analyzing'/ 'sentence building', spelling and punctuation. I have put this all under the heading 'grammar'. Unlike your understanding of grammar it seems.
(For the foreing languages we definitely had separate grammar books, textbooks and word lists. No images or diagrams however).

To Gooofy, of course it makes a difference whether a child from birth till school age is put in front of a television all day or is read bedtime and daytime books by its parents with all the fun and accompanying discussions.

Anyway, thanks from a non native speaker. (for the links etc.)

the onliest way to figure out that grammar thing is to read and write ... I hope so, I mean, a hard task when young people read little and less.

Last edited by BranShea; 06/23/12 06:02 PM.