filth on TV
There is much to what you say, although I am not so much concerned with "filth", which, like beauty, is mostly in the eye of the beholder. What I really resent is the hypocracy of the networks and others who determine what can and can not be shown, and the over-righteous critics who would like to change "helicopter" to "heckicopter".

Seems to me that if you can have "Baywatch" on TV in hours when the children can see it (and why not? I love it) you ought to be able to say "bugger" and a few of the milder expletives. And if you can broadcast all the outrageous violence that is on TV nightly, with scores or hundreds of corpses, gore, etc. etc., you ought to be able to use any 4-letter word. A Steven Seagal movie (another one of my favorites) is the equivalent of 50 "fucks" plus any number of equally graphic words.