swoophead - a balding man who lets the remaining hair on one side grow long and then swoops it over the top of his head in a futile and ridiculous attempt to cover the bald spot.

bloody *hilarious*. when i was little my best friend's dad did this, and actually extended it into a nice cinnamonrollesque curliequeue, ostensibly to make it appear more natural. it was great fun to watch him make his way into church on a windy day; i was always half surprised that the rudder it formed as it lifted didn't make him airborne.

while i'm on the subject of hilarity, of troy's "McMansion" absolutely cracked me up. there's a ton of that going on near where i live, since there's a surplus of money and a shortage of space, but i'd never heard that term. my husband and i privately refer to them as cookie-cutters, or edward scissorhands houses, since their driveways are literally side-by-side and it's easy to imagine all of the neighbors backing out of their identical driveways en masse on their way to work in the morning. Seven or eight hundred thousand will get you a beautifully appointed house, indeed, but it'd hardly be worth the lack of privacy or opportunity to have a unique home reflective of your own personal style.