OOOOH! How I've been waiting for the opportunity to post about this! I figure that one way I can leave my eternal mark on this world (at least in the annals of "Faddish Pop Culture" - and now that there are graduate degrees in Pop Culture to be had, at least there'll be someone to tend the annals) is to originate some catch phrase that will be inextricably tied to some point on the zeitgeist continuum. "Yadda yadda yadda" defines the Seinfeld 90s. "Sit on it" and "Aaaaaay" were the Happy Days 70s. I think you know where I'm going. I aspire to bring the phrase "Con leche, baby" into the popular lexicon if for no other reason than to say I did it. I envision it to mean something akin to "And how!" - just an enthusiastic assent.

I don't care how it happens... interject it into water cooler conversation. Tell your children to use the phrase at school. Mention it in passing to your Hollywood script-writer friend. Please do your part to make my dream come true.