Okay--recently it occurred to me to wonder what the dictionary had as the definition of music. Well, I just looked at FOUR on-line sources and I have problems with all of them. (I won't bother to put the links--if you want to LIU for yourself go right ahead.)

AHD offers
1. The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
2. Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.
a. A musical composition.
b. The written or printed score for such a composition.
c. Such scores considered as a group: We keep our music in a stack near the piano.
4. A musical accompaniment.
5. A particular category or kind of music.
6. An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds: the music of the wind in the pines.

Technically, yes, art is a noun; but arranging sounds is definitely an action.

Cambridge Online says:
music noun /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ n [U]
• a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, singing or computers, or a combination of these, intended to give pleasure to people listening to it
classical/pop/dance/rock music
a beautiful piece of music
What sort of music do you listen to?
They play good music (= recordings of music) on this (radio) station.
I just like making music (= playing music or singing).
Shall I put on some music (= play a recording)?

• the art or study of music
I studied music at college.
the music business/industry
music lessons

• the written system of symbols representing musical notes
Can you read music?

I don't think that music is always "intended to give pleasure to people listening to it".

Dictionary.com has:
1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
2. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.
3. musical work or compositions for singing or playing.
4. the written or printed score of a musical composition.
5. such scores collectively.
6. any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds or sound: the music of the waves.
7. appreciation of or responsiveness to musical sounds or harmonies: Music was in his very soul.
8. Fox Hunting . the cry of the hounds.

Ok, I'm willing to admit ignorance on the fox hunting part, but. As a musician, I happen to know what "in time" refers to, but not everyone necessarily would. In time for what? In time, as in whenever the composer gets around to it? I also think the use of the word color could be confusing.

Lastly, M-W says
1a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity b : vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony
2a : an agreeable sound : euphony <her voice was music to my ears> b : musical quality <the music of verse>
3: a musical accompaniment <a play set to music>
4: the score of a musical composition set down on paper
5: a distinctive type or category of music <there is a music for everybody — Eric Salzman>

This one too defines a noun by an action. I do think "in temporal relationships" is much more accurate than "in time".

So--is anybody going to argue set me straight on this? And, can anybody come up with a really good definition of music? Or better, your immediate, not-overthought one.