opened fine for me (Mac OS10.6.4 Safari 5.0.2)

here's a (I think) linguistically interesting part:

The earliest record in China of someone born with a cleft-lip (QueChun) with its cause relating to the hare or rabbit in China is found in the Huainan Zi, a non-medical book attributed to Liu An (179-122BC).
The first use of the term "TuQue" (hare-lip) and the first record of its successful operation are found in the Jin Shu, also a non-medical work. The operation was carried out between AD 392 and 395.
The first description of hare-lip in Chinese medical literature is recorded in Zhubing Yuanhou Zonglun compiled in AD610.
The first detailed description of surgical treatment for cleft-lip caused by trauma is found in Wang Kentang's Yangke Zhengzhi Zhunsheng, published in 1608.
The Chinese records of the treatment of hare-lip and defective lip are not only of historical significance, the methods and in particular the medicines used are perhaps of some practical value and merit further investigation.

formerly known as etaoin...