A. A giant rabbit or hare found along the Botswana border in northern South Africa. From the Afrikaans Perp: LukeJavan8 --- Voted for by: jenny

B. A shelf-like outcropping of rock on the side of a cliff. A common nesting place for birds. Perp: olly --- Voted for by: Owlbow

C. In Dutch heraldry, the pattern of two parallel, horizontal bars across the field of a shield. Perp: Coffeebean

D. A right angle prong of the long hook that fits into the holes of the trammel bar, a component of a trammel hook, a device for raising and lowering a kettle in a fireplace. Perp: Owlbow --- Voted for by BranShea, olly

E. A fog; a chill easterly wind accompanied by light fog. Perp: Several dictionaries of note, found in Alexander McCall Smith's The World According to Bertie --- Voted for by Alex Williams

F. A dream guide of the Senoi tribe of the Malay Peninsula. Also known as "halaks" the haars gather each morning to integrate their nightly dreams into Senoi culture. The Senoi people have not had a violent crime in several hundred years. Perp: jenny --- Voted for by: Jackie

G. A Swedish wig Perp: Jackie --- Voted for by: beck123

H. A period of gigantism in animals on the Pacific island of Hoor'n, first discovered in human remains and later seen in all animals of the island. This period is referred to as the Haar Event. Perp: jenny

I. The first thin film of ice that forms on the canals of Holland in the early winter. Perp: wofahulicodoc

J. A dried rhizome and root of a medicinal herb, or a powder or extract of such, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans in treating mental and other disorders Perp: tsuwm --- Voted for by: jenny

K. A garland. From the Hindi. Perp: Avy --- Voted for by: Wofahulicodoc, Coffeebean, tsuwm

L. A type of herb seed added to enhance the flavor of harissa, a Tunisian mixed pepper paste Perp: BranShea

M. A male hair style of the 16th to 18th centuries that mimicked the style in which men's wigs were arranged. Perp: beck123 --- Voted for by: Avy

Alex Williams gets Right Guess Bragging Rights

Avy gets Fooled You Bragging Rights.

The subject line of my post, Haar she blows was a play on the stereotypical whaler cry upon spying a surfacing and exhaling whale, "Thar she blows!"