You didn't say or imply either of those things, but I nevertheless wanted to clarify. When there's a fox in the hen house, it's not entirely inappropriate for the farmer to make note of the fact - and pasting chicken feathers on a toothy grin does not allay the concern.

There are surely, SURELY cases where people have honest and very strong disagreements where the differing parties incorrectly surmise bad intent from the other. I see this with dogs in the dog park all the time. Two dogs get along fine with all the other dogs, but not with each other. Most of the time it's just that one dog has misunderstood another dog's action. Same thing happens with people. I know this. I recognize it at least some times. But not every situation involves only two parties. Sometimes there are two legitimate sides, but there are also others who have their own interest in an outcome that has nothing whatever to do with the facts involved.

I'm not sure what happened with my icon. I don't recall doing anything with it. Will look at it later.