then there's dystmesis (ON = 2)

[fr. Gk. tmesis, act of cutting + dys-, bad]
defined variously as: a) a synonym for tmesis;
b) tmesis at syllable boundaries, as opposed to
between parts of a compound; c) separation at
an inappropriate or unlikely position

considering the lexemes, it seems like the actual
meaning should be closer to the last of these;
e.g., unbefreakinglievable (as opposed to the
tmesis of unfreakingbelievable).


edit: years back, when I offered up tmesis as the
answer to this same question, it was met with some
measure of increscoffingdulity; but I note that
tmesis now has an ON of 25!

Last edited by tsuwm; 12/11/09 07:51 PM.