Originally Posted By: zmjezhd
You and I have differing opinions about when science fiction began as a genre. I trace it back at least to Lucian's True History (2nd century CE,A wee bit before Azimov's time.

Kia ora Z,
I'm still not convinced of Lucians intent. He states in his intro,

Accordingly I hereby declare, that I sit down to relate what never befell me ; what I neither saw myself, nor heard by report from others ; aye, what is more, about matters that not only are not, but never will be, because in one word, they are absolutely impossible, and to which therefore I warn my readers (if by the by I should have any) not to give even the smallest degree of credit.

After having read the tale I had trouble fathoming whether even the science of the day would find any room for plausibility. It was a great read though, I loved the enormous scale and sense of wonderment he created. Maybe if his ship had wings, that would sway me. I do feel privilleged for having read it. A good yarn.

But hey, mine ain't the be all and end all of what skiffy is and what it is'nt.