Originally Posted By: latishya
Originally Posted By: Faldage
[quote=Zed]Hi Avyy
I couldn't get in to read it either...........Or did I miss something again (not an unlikely possibility).
............I could not make any sense of dalehileman's post at the other site or get the point of it which for me is how his posts here leave me too.

Hi lat: I sometimes get that reaction which always puzzles me. The frdb post was a dig at the massive technological and software incompetence of Dish Network and its indifference to its subscribers but facetiously cloaked in semantic terms so a to impart an inferential choice of implied allusions in order to elicit a diversity of rejoinders and incidentally constituting a rationale for propagating a media-centered grievance in a language-oriented venue, thereby increasing the probability of interception by the sympathetic industrial counterpart with ties to a pertinent intermediary

The foregoing tactic based on a proven observation that with given requirement or question your message is only six steps of exchange from reaching its intended goal; your probability of success, as with a Letter to the Editor in the Fourth Estate, increasing in direct proportion to the extent of its dissemination; a phenom worthy of a separate thread

As for other posts in WS if you would identify them with links I wold be most happy to discuss their meaning, if extant, or anything else of interest, being yours at dalehileman@me.com and apparently don't care who knows it

Thank you again lat and look Fwd to hearing from you
