Originally Posted By: Transwarp
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8

The theater closed immediately
for want of patronage, was torn down and today is a parking
lot. These bishops had that sort of power. Seems very
medieval but it was the 20th century: the Interdict was posted

You make this sound as if the Bishops closed down the theater themselves ("these Bishops had that sort of power") and yet the theater closed not because bishops demanded it but because patrons in the community decided not to frequent the business anymore. I'm sure the Catholics honored the Bishops' interdict but was this some sort of 100% Catholic town? There must have been more here than indicated.

If the townsfolk stopped going to the theater because it offended their moral values they didn't need the bishops to tell them that it was a bad place. If they stopped going to the theater because they were afraid of the reaction of the church to their continued patronage of the theater then it is not Jeffersonian democracy but theocracy.