Hi Glenn, Barbara

My No. 1 Son has raked me over the coals--virtually disowning me--ostensibly for having discouraged you switching from Bill to Mac, but I hope I haven't been unfair or exaggerated in my comparisons. While Apple has a few glitches just as Windows, except for a few problems that affect only a very small part of the population who seriously edit their email, it is vastly superior in many respects, especially of course in its immunity. I deeply resented my subscription to Norton and immensely grateful to LS for having persuaded me to switch and even agree with him that I should have done it much earlier

Therefore although in general Mac requires more keystrokes to do some common tasks, unless you do a lot of work in Mail I do recommend Apple. However, Mail totally lacks editing capability (as the Word overlap into Outlook) except for its speller, which however doesn't even recognize "te" as a misspelling of "the". So only if you do a lot of serious correspondence I would stick to Windows/Outlook

Eventually, however, Mac is going to realize his mistake and provide a transfer of Word capability to Mail so if you're willing to wait it out, I most certainly recommend a immediate switchover

Best to youall
