Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8

What in the Sam Hill.......

are yu talkn' 'bout? (as a typical answer to the Sam Hill

According to Wikipedia the "sand hills" are a region of mixed
grass prairie in north central Nebraska. I would venture to say
that they go beyond the regions indicated by the map in the
article (look under Sand Hills in Wiki...And there are pictures.!)
Lots of sand dunes covered by these grasses. If anyone saw
the movie "Dances With Wolves' you saw the area surrounding the
Sand Hills, tho' the movies was filmed in So.Dak, if I remember
The Aquifer I mentioned, is under the Sand Hills, giving
water to most of the state, e.g. wells for center-pivot
Thanks for the inquiries!

lived there(Sand Hills - Ainsworth, to be exact) for three years! (and SD for a lot more than that!)

formerly known as etaoin...