Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
thanks for your help. I was beginning to assume I could not make a change in an entry once posted in the forum. But it worked.

more about 'select'...
Click and drag your mouse across some text in any post; e.g., the text "Click and drag your mouse" in this very post. Your chosen text should now be selected. Now go up to the very top of your browser window and click the Edit menu. You should see the Copy function listed in that menu. You could click on that, but instead note that it indicates that Ctrl+C is listed next to it (this is the keyboard shortcut for the copy function). So, with your selected text still highlited, press the Ctrl and 'c' keys simultaneously. Nothing obvious happens, but you will have 'copied' the selected text onto the Windows clipboard. Now 'reply' to this post -- back in the Edit menu, note that the Paste command lists a Ctrl+V shortcut. While in the edit box (click inside the box if you don't have the flashing insertion point there), press the Ctrl and 'v' keys simultaneously. Your selected text should be 'pasted' from the clipboard into the edit box.

if so, you have just mastered the 'copy and paste' function!
this is a really good thing to master, as it will work within virtually every Windows application and (even better) *between* applications; so that you can for instance select and copy some text in a browser window and paste it into an email!!