Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
to answer 'etaoin', I love the plains too. I actually enjoy
deserts better, however, I am from Nebraska: the great plains.
We have the largest underwater aquifer to counteract the sand hills, which are great for grazing, (at least Ted Turner seems to think so, as he is buying up all of the acres there he can get
his hands on -for whatever reason). I was referring to the fact that we used to be called the "midwest", but the TV weather people seem to be using that term for Ohio, Illinois, and that area whereas N,Dak,S.Dak,Neb,Kan, etc, are now the great plains.
I don't mind the term actually. We have corn (Cornhuskers notwithstanding), Kansas has wheat and so on. So thanks for the comment.

yup! I was born and raised, (mostly) in South Dakota, with a few years in Iowa and Nebraska. (in the Sand Hills, Ainsworth to be exact) I know that country well!

formerly known as etaoin...