Originally Posted By: BranShea
>'Relative Moralist'

Does not relativist come pretty close to opportunist?
Humanism is not just a philosphy. It's also a way of living.

Perhaps, but it's a very broad description.
We are talking specifically about secular humanism, not christian humanism, but even with that type of humanism there are many subsets.

I wouldn't put relativist and opportunist as synonyms, no. A Relativist is someone who holds to the IDEOLOGY of Relatvism, ie, that there are no moral/legal/religious and/or epistemological absolutes. An opportunist can belong to any creed or belief system and is simply someone who is quick to take opportunities with both hands when they present themselves. Opportunist is an active word focusing on the doing of actions, whilst relativist is a more passive word describing beliefs or world view. Opportunist usually has a slightly pejorative edge to it also - the implication is that they take advantage of situations for their own gain, sometimes at the expense of others.