Parthenogensis does not mean 'to materialize out of thin air'. It means virgin birth. Something which Wm F'Buckley, as a lifelong Catholic apologist, would've believe in fervently, with or without hempen blood levels. (It's also a biological term having to do with unfertilized eggs developing into organisms.) It was a common enough occurrence in pre-Christian mythologies, too. (The Talmud, in one of its famous expurgated sections, posits that Yeshu (i.e., Jesus) was the son of a Roman legionnaire named Pandera, and was thus known as Yeshu ben Pandera (which some tie to Greek παρθενος (parthenos) 'virgin' and others with πανθηρ (panther) 'leopard'); this is referred to obliquely in the wonderfully funny The Life of Brian by Monty Python.)

Ceci n'est pas un seing.