WOO HOO!!! Didn't take long to find! parthenogenesis
(so much for my feeble memory thinking it started with a "v")...

"RESTORATION: One final question in regard to drugs, if you don't mind my asking. Have you ever done any drugs that are banned in America?

BUCKLEY: Yes I have. That question was asked of me--I was on the Johnny Carson show, and David Suskind asked me that. Where I had it was on my boat outside of American jurisdiction. He said, well, how'd you get it on your boat? And I said, "parthenogenesis." Carson thought that was so funny. I was off Nassau and it was a bad trip because the other two guys on my boat--we all took it jointly--and they just laughed, everything they thought was just hilarious. I just got sleepy. Maybe you have to get more used to it."

Thanks everybody! I hate it when that happens, you hear a word and decide you'll remember that one, but poof, it's gone forever. Thanks Dalehileman! Now I can sleep! LOL