Liszten--hushing sound made by one member of the piano recital audience to another

banaerobic--forbid exercize in an airless setting

mongoon--weird male in Jamaica

wantress--server in obvious need

caperwork--that done by the office smart-aleck

scandle--a shameful light source

shtare--a drunken leer

b'arroyo--a gully where poor people live

notel--where they don't ask your real name

matertal--my amphibian

crookie--dishonest police academy graduate

Trypton--what Superman's clumsy alter ego did to his cape

snatchel--a stolen briefcase

spawnshop--fish farm

buggle--trumpeting annoyance

aschew--chewing with the other end

sinfect--spread the evil

froglodyte--early amphibian

hagazine--periodical for witches

tepidemic--lukewarm disease

hacademic--college prof. with a cold

heminar--half a training session

repmutation--peoples' ideas about you change

sheepy--simultaneously embarrassed and drowsy

bendroom--low-ceilinged sleeping room

antimote--dust remedy

vertecrate--ribbed box

himitation--male impersonator