eta that's a very good word, while I too would like to hug Jackie...

...while again thank you most kindly for all your (at times ambivalent) support...

...though I had hoped instead that you might have got a chuckle out of the foregoing...which though in my boundless narcissism I guess isn't nearly so dazzling as I imagine...

...and so if youall should choose to ban me forever I will understand and thank you again for your excellent board in which over the years I have so enjoyed participating, and blessings and my parting love to everyone

PS: The cultivation of a less hostile attitude on the Internet boards at large would prevent tens of thousands if not millions instances of anxiety, insomnia, and heartburn. At the risk of sounding ever-so-slightly religious, by the way, as long as I don't expect to be here for long, when I consulted God about this very subject, She instantly relieved me of this last symptom but since again I'm treading on sacred ground (no pun intended, eta), I'd be happy to elaborate,
